new date for performance

performance is canceled because of the bomb attack in kayseri. new date is 24 december, Saturday, 21.00

upcoming performance

cinuty will be on stage at 17th December 2016, saturday @Alerta.

ağıt videoclip

ağıt is now on youtube with videoclip. added this video to its list. i discovered ychorus by this way and i suggest it so much. there are a lot of delicious thinks to eat with ear.

timbre & space

recording of live performance of timbre & space at sesin yolculuğu 9

new project and a video

   new project -zoo psychology- with headspin and an album -doom n DOOM- is on the way. and here is our first video.

special thanks to gökalp ergenç and yalın güven (wilsondub)



working for a noise album

wedding demo - logic chamber ruins my weekend

first album of wedding demo side project of cinuty.

listen and download here:

and album can be found in vintage records in istanbul.

bandcamp page

some works and early albums can be found in

what is cinuty??

cintuy is a project based on computer made sound. it is found in 2015 with first album "compute, it's not up to you". its a one person project so far but i always looking for different souls to share joy of making some noiz.

this project inspires from ankara.